We are a group of designers, engineers and content specialists passionate about what we do. Together we form one of the leading custom software companies in Bangladesh for software development outsourcing.
We offer software development and content management services to international customers across multiple industries. We understand the challenges that our customers face within and across these industries. We provide practical, pragmatic and powerful solutions to address those challenges.
Getting great software out to users is the single goal that drives us. Our mix of skills and talent means we have everything to meet that goal in one place. Design, development, testing, deployment, content and anything in between those clearly defined roles - we cover it all.
Once successful competition of this course we will provide real world client project if you are capable doing so. Also we will help you to create your freelancer career on freelancer.com or upwork marketplace. For outstanding performer we will provide few initial projects from real client and you will be able to communicate directly with those client (this is for outstanding performer those will prove themselves to us and can take pressure to complete real project)
Cell: +8801771147806, +8801675004437
Email: info@saibonsoft.com
Address: #05, Central Shopping Complex,3rd Floor, GEC, Chattogram
Cell: +8801885518864, +8801818604729,+8801842830676
Email: mymensinghcare@saibonsoft.com
Address: #169, Sirajul Islam Villa, T.N.T Road, Atharabari, Ishwarganj, Mymensingh